Food Items
The following are food items never to feed. Even in small doses they can be fatal.
- Chocolate
- Avocados
- Sugar
- Unwashed fruits and veggies (due to the pesticides)
- Mayonnaise products (go bad fast)
- Old seeds and nuts (can contain fungus or alfa toxins).
- Rhubarb and milk or egg products from a public dispenser
- Any food containing MSG (generally found in Chinese restaurant food).
Household Items
- New carpeting
- Cedar bedding
- Cedar paneling
- Color newspaper print
- Teflon
- Self-cleaning ovens
- Oil based paints
- Lead based paints
- Antifreeze
Petroleum Products
- Dishwasher detergent
- Drain cleaner
- Floor polish
- Floor wax
- Furniture polish
- Furniture wax
- Gasoline
- Kerosene
- Lye
- Oven cleaner
- Paint remover
- Paint thinner
- Shoe polish
- Toilet bowl cleaner
- Wood preservatives
Common Sense Dangers
- Open toilet bowls
- Pots and pans on the stove
- Electrical wires
- Dog and cat saliva
- Sharp objects
- Needles Pins
- Razors and razor blades
- Computer mouse
- Computer keyboard
- Open water dishes
- Electrical appliances
- Dishwasher Refrigerator and Freezer
Other Known Toxins
- Acetone
- Air rifle pellets
- Algae toxins
- Alcohol
- Ammonia
- Amphetamines
- Ant syrup or paste
- Arsenic
- Asbestos
- Ashtrays
- Aspirin
- Automotive products
- Base of light bulbs
- Batteries
- Bleach
- Bonemeal products
- Boric acid
- Bug bombs
- Bug pesticides
- Bullets
- Caffeine
- Camphophenique
- Car exhaust
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Certain soaps
- Charcoal lighter
- Chemical sprays
- Chlordane
- Cigarettes
- Cigarette smoke
- Clinitest tablets
- Copper and brass polish
- Corn and wart remover
- Cosmetics
- Costume jewelry
- Crayons
- Curtain weights
- Deodorants
- Detergents
- Dolomite
- Epoxy glue
- Fabric softeners
- Fertilizers
- Firecrackers
- Fishing sinkers
- Fishing weights
- Flea bombs
- Deodorants
- Detergents
- Dolomite
- Epoxy glue
- Deodorants
- Detergents
- Dolomite
- Epoxy glue
- Fabric softeners
- Fertilizers
- Firecrackers
- Fishing sinkers
- Fishing weights
- Flea bombs
- Flea collars
- Fluoracetates
- Fluoropolymers from spray cans
- Foil from champagne bottles
- Foil from wine bottles
- Galvanized chicken wire
- Garbage toxins
- Garden sprays
- Gun cleaners
- Hair dye fumes
- Hair dyes
- Hair spray
- Hardware cloth
- Herbicides
- Hexacholorophene
- Indelible felt markers
- Insecticides
- Iodine
- Lead painted doors
- Loldings and windows
- Leaded gasoline fumes
- Lead salts in linoleum
- Leaded weights in some bird toys
- Lighter fluid
- Matches (safety matches ok)
- Medicines
- Model cement
- Moth balls
- Muriatic acid
- Nail polish
- Nail polish remover
- Oven cleaner
- Perfumes
- Permanent wave solutions
- Pesticide strips
- Photographic solutions
- Pipe tobacco
- Pine oil
- Putty
- Rat or mouse poison
- Red squill
- Roach poison
- Self cleaning ovens
- Shaving lotions
- Sheet rock
- Shellac
- Shoe polish
- Shotgun pellets
- Silver polish
- Sleeping pills
- Smoke
- Snail bait
- Solder
- Some types of zippers
- Spot remover
- Spray starch
- Strychnine
- Sulfuric acid
- Suntan lotions
- Super glue
- Surgical acrylics
- Thallium
- Unglazed ceramics
- Warfarin
- Weed killer
- Weighted items
- Wild mushrooms
- Window wash solvents
- Zinc